Taunton - Priory Park
Priory Bridge : TA1 1PX
Taunton - Priory Park : Map credit National Library of Scotland Priory Park was used for football from 1925 with both Taunton United FC and Taunton Town FC playing there. The first bicycle racing at Priory Park was the 1st GWR sports which was held on July 11th 1925. There were one and two miles open bicycle handicap races followed by a dance in the evening and an exhibition basket ball match. On August Bank Holiday 1925, the Taunton sports were held at Priory Park with bicycle races.

The Taunton sports and GWR sports continued to be held at the Priory for the next few years and the Taunton sports attracted 2,000 spectators in 1926.

The facilities at Priory Park were made available in 1928 to the newly formed Taunton Athletic and Cycling Club. The club held its first sports at the ground on June 2nd 1928, attracting a crowd of about 1,000. There were the bicycle race - ½ and 2 miles open and a 1 mile Taunton ACC club race. In addition, there was a motor cycle race over one mile and and motor cycle obstacle race, these proved to be very popular.

Taunton ACC held meetings at the Priory for the next few years, but by 1930, the club was going through a lean period with only two cycling members. The club was in disarray in 1933 and access to the track was arranged only late in the season and people were not paying their club subscriptions. F Vickery, a former professional cyclist, who was in charge of the cyclist's section, left in 1933 and the club disbanded shortly after this.

In 1935, Taunton Rugby Football Club purchased Priory Park and the Taunton Jubilee cycle and motor cycle sports were held there in May 1935. After this there were very few bicycle races, the last one was probably the five miles scratch race at Labour Party sports meeting on June 15th 1946.

Priory Park rugby stadium was also used for greyhound racing from 1947 to 1950. Taunton RFC sold Priory Park in 2001 and moved to Hyde Park, following which, the site was developed for housing.

Refs     : [p]
Maps    : National Library of Scotland